HELM Joins SpiderForest

If you couldn't already tell from the new banner at the top of this site, HELM has officially joined the SpiderForest Webcomic Collective. What is the SF Webcomic Collective, you ask? Keep reading and we'll tell you more, in their own words.

The SpiderForest Community

SpiderForest is like living in Comicville instead of Comictropolis. We all know each other, we share readers, we share art, we share our trials and tribulations as well as our triumphs. We might be smaller than the bigname comics or collectives, but we’re ready with a friendly (or creepy) .gif and a helping hand. Don’t apply because you want more traffic. Apply because you want to be part of a small town of comics and their creators, instead of living in the giant city of the internet.

Each comic accepted in SpiderForest is open to review by all our members, so whether you’re looking for a fun comedy or epic adventure, comics here also come with our personal recommendations. You’re not just reading a comic, but a SpiderForest comic, and that means you just have to look at the banner to find another comic that you will enjoy.


SpiderForest and SpiderSpawn were created in 2004 by Fernando “Ran Jado” Paniagua as a new host for webcomics. SpiderForest originally hosted fantasy comics, while SpiderSpawn was a host for humor comics, but in summer 2008, the two networks merged into one entity, taking the name of SpiderForest.

Ran Jado’s vision for SpiderForest included a strong system of interlinks between members, which can be seen in the rotating banner on nearly all member sites. Many SpiderForest sites are built using Ran Jado’s own ProPanda automation code for webcomic archiving and news systems, but members are free to use whichever archival system they like.

Click here to visit the SpiderForest website.