Page 128: Three Masters


Nothing like curling up in front of a fire with a nice cup of hot tea. Here's introducing Master Galen and Master Virgil (who may not be just any Master, apparently). Tune in next week to find out more. ;)

Also, a random question for readers -- what are you most interested in seeing and learning more about in HELM? I have multiple concepts for future story arcs and rough outlines for several issues/books; however, I'm about a third of the way into writing the script for HELM #7 and tend to leave the page-by-page details off until I begin writing a new chapter. I'd love to get opinions on what readers want more of, so it can help inform some of the details in upcoming pages in #7 and beyond.


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers. 

Page 127: An Eventful Night


We kick things off with a few new characters. Introducing Mr. Quint and Master Kuzo. Let's head downstairs next week to see who else might await us. :)


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers. 

Page 126: A Bump in the Night


Impeccable penmanship, wouldn't you say? Well, that's Mr. Quint for you.

That's right... another one of *these* pages. Similar to the first page of the first chapter of the first book. Just setting the stage for what's about to come. :)

If you'd like to read the full text of the journal entry here, you can check it out by downloading the entire Chapter 6 script which is available on our Patreon here. You can also find completed pages (up to 10 so far) from Chapter 6 there, as well.


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers. 

Cover: Old Ghosts


Aaaanddd.... we're finally back! 

At least a couple things have changed since we went on hiatus last year...

1. HELM Book #1: Harbinger is available for sale as single issues and as a collected trade paperback volume (available September 18, 2018). Visit your favorite comic/book retailer, order print copies of HELM on Amazon, or find us on Comixology if you want to add this series to your digital library.

2. We're posting new pages at a pace of 1 page a week. I'd love to do more but HELM can be an expensive hobby so unless we garner enough support (and please show your support for us on Patreon), we'll be limited to posting 1 page every Tuesday.

3. If you don't want to wait a week for an update, you can stay up to date on our latest progress (concepts, sketches, scripts, in progress and final pages) every week by pledging on Patreon. You can even read the entire Chapter 6 script now... before any of the pages are posted. :)

If you're a new reader (or just want a refresher), I recommend scrolling through our About page before you get started. 


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and pledge your support for us on Patreon to get access to concepts, sketches, in-progress scripts, in-progress pages, exclusive scenes and a ton of other behind-the-scenes goodies! While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics  (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers. 

Page 125: Spellsword


Here it is -- the final page of HELM Book 1: Harbinger!

Check out our blog post (click here) for a preview of the next chapter and a special announcement regarding the future of HELM. 


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday and Thursday. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for sneak peeks, sketches, and other behind-the-scenes goodies.

While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics by clicking here (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers. 

Page 124: Eldrick's End

Only 1 page remains until the end of Book 1: Harbinger.

HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday and Thursday. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for sneak peeks, sketches, and other behind-the-scenes goodies.

While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics by clicking here (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers. 

Page 123: Down You Go


Only 2 pages remain until the end of Book 1: Harbinger.

HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday and Thursday. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for sneak peeks, sketches, and other behind-the-scenes goodies.

While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics by clicking here (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers. 

Page 122: Collapse


Only 3 pages remain until the end of Book 1: Harbinger.

HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday and Thursday. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for sneak peeks, sketches, and other behind-the-scenes goodies.

While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics by clicking here (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers. 

Page 121: A Bridge Too Far


Only 4 pages remain until the end of Book 1: Harbinger.

HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday and Thursday. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for sneak peeks, sketches, and other behind-the-scenes goodies.

While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics by clicking here (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers. 

Page 120: The Boss is Back!

Only 5 pages remain until the end of Book 1: Harbinger.

HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday and Thursday. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for sneak peeks, sketches, and other behind-the-scenes goodies.

While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics by clicking here (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers. 

Page 119: Deadlocked


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday and Thursday. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for sneak peeks, sketches, and other behind-the-scenes goodies.

While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics by clicking here (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers. 

Page 118: Bridgeway Bargain

HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday and Thursday. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for sneak peeks, sketches, and other behind-the-scenes goodies.

While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics by clicking here (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers. 

Page 117: Time to Bolt


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday and Thursday. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for sneak peeks, sketches, and other behind-the-scenes goodies.

While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics by clicking here (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers. 

Page 116: Magda


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday and Thursday. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for sneak peeks, sketches, and other behind-the-scenes goodies.

While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics by clicking here (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers. 

Page 115: Eye on the Prize


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday and Thursday. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for sneak peeks, sketches, and other behind-the-scenes goodies.

While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics by clicking here (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers. 

Page 114: Halifax House


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday and Thursday. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for sneak peeks, sketches, and other behind-the-scenes goodies.

While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics by clicking here (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers. 

Page 113: Diverging Paths


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday and Thursday. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for sneak peeks, sketches, and other behind-the-scenes goodies.

While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics by clicking here (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers. 

Page 112: Betrayal


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday and Thursday. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for sneak peeks, sketches, and other behind-the-scenes goodies.

While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics by clicking here (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers. 

Page 111: Priorities


HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday and Thursday. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for sneak peeks, sketches, and other behind-the-scenes goodies.

While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics by clicking here (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers. 

Page 110: Overrun

HELM updates with a new page every Tuesday and Thursday. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for sneak peeks, sketches, and other behind-the-scenes goodies.

While you're here, please also vote for us on Top Web Comics by clicking here (you can vote once a day) -- it only takes a second and helps promote HELM to new readers.